english version

Giacomo Corti

Giacomo Corti è Dirigente di Ricerca presso l'Istituto di Geoscienze e Georisorse del CNR, del quale è responsabile della Sede Secondaria di Firenze. E' Ricercatore Associato all'Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV).

Ha conseguito la laurea in scienze geologiche presso l'Università degli studi di Firenze nel 1997, ed il dottorato di ricerca in Scienze della Terra presso l'Università degli studi di Pisa nel 2003. La principale attività di ricerca è relativa all'analisi dalla dinamica del rifting continentale e sviluppo di sistemi di rift valleys, con particolare riferimento all'evoluzione del Sistema di Rift dell'Africa Orientale e al Rift Etiopico. L'attività integra la modellizzazione analogica sperimentale con studi geologico-strutturali di terreno e dati geofisici. Altri linee di ricerca comprendono: dinamica di estensione nel Golfo della California (Messico), modellizzazione analogica sperimentale di vari processi geologici (collisione continentale, deformazione polifasica, messa in posto di magmi, processi geomorfici), dinamica ed evoluzione del Rift del Baikal (Russia), dinamica del flusso glaciale in Antartide, tettonica attiva in Appennino Settentrionale e tettonica dell'America Centrale (El Salvador).


E' autore o co-autore di circa 90 pubblicazioni sulle principali riviste internazionali (Nature Geoscience, Nature Communications, Geology, Earth Science Reviews, Journal of Geophysical Research, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, Tectonics, Tectonophysics, etc), con H-index di 27 (fonte: Scopus), e più di 150 abstracts/extended abstracts a congressi. E' stato Guest Editor di Tectonophysics per il volume speciale "Quantitative modelling of geological processes" (volume 484) e del Bollettino di Geofisica Teorica e Applicata, 49, 2 supplement (abstract estesi di Geomod2008). E' l'autore del libro divulgativo "Geologia e paesaggi della rift valley in Etiopia" (Pacini Editore, Pisa, 2012). E' Reviewer Editor di Frontiers in Earth Science ed è revisore di importanti riviste internazionali (Nature Geoscience, Nature Communications, Geology, Journal of Geophysical Research, Tectonophysics, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, Journal of the Geological Society, GCubed, Tectonics, Geosphere, Geological Society of London Special Publications, Journal of African Earth Sciences, Journal of Geodynamics, Journal of Structural Geology, Geodinamica Acta, Acta Vulcanologica, Bollettino della Società Geologica Italiana, etc) ed è stato revisore di progetti di ricerca internazionali [istituzioni: ERC, European Commission; European Geophysical Union; National Science Foundation, USA; American Chemical Society, USA; Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council, Canada; National Center for Scientific Research, Francia; Swiss National Science Foundation, Svizzera; Natural Environment Research Council, Regno Unito; Helmholtz Association, Germania]. E' stato inoltre membro di commissioni o revisore unico di tesi di dottorato presso istituzioni nazionali e internazionali (Australia, Finlandia, Spagna, Svezia, Olanda, Svizzera). Ha effettuato relazioni ad invito a congressi internazionali e nazionali (es. EGU Vienna, Riftlink Germany, Analog modelling of tectonic processes workshop Texas USA, SIMP-AIC meeting, Geoitalia, Congresso Società Geologica Italiana) e ha effettuato seminari per numerose istituzioni in Italia e all'estero (es. Bulgaria, Etiopia, Finlandia, Messico, Regno Unito). Inoltre, è stato convenor e chairman di sessioni scientifiche a congressi nazionali/internazionali (AGU San Francisco, EGU Vienna, Geomod, Congresso della Società Geologica Italiana) e organizzatore principale del covegno '‘Il terremoto del 29 Giugno 1919 e la sismicità in Mugello' (evento di chiusura delle celebrazioni del centenario del terremoto del Mugello 1919-2019) e del congresso internazionale GeoMod2008 (Firenze, 21-26 Sett 2008) e della prima giornata di studi sulla modellizzazione analogica in Italia, Geomod-it (Firenze, 3 Giugno 2015). Ha ricevuto vari finanziamenti e riconoscimenti a livello nazionale ed è stato Professore a contratto presso l'Università degli Studi di Firenze (Laurea Magistrale in Scienze e Tecnologie Geologiche dal 2013 al 2021). E' divulgatore scientifico sul rischio sismico nell'ambito della rete di scuole superiori Resism e ha partecipato a tramsissioni televisive e radiofoniche.

Lista di pubblicazioni (e citazioni) di Giacomo Corti su Google Scholar

People CNR: http://www.cnr.it/people/giacomo.corti

Researchgate: http://www.researchgate.net/profile/Giacomo_Corti/

Lista di pubblicazioni recenti (2024-2015):

Muluneh A. Brune S., Pagli C., La Rosa A., Keir D., Neuharth D., Corti G. (2024). To rotate or to link? The connection between the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden rifts in central Afar. Geophysical Research Letters, 51, e2024GL108732.https://doi.org/10.1029/2024GL108732

Vendeville B.C., Corti G., Boussarsar M., Ferrer O. (2024). An alternative experimental configuration to generate wrench zone above a viscous layer. Journal of Structural Geology, 184, 105166. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jsg.2024.105166

Maestrelli D., Sani F., Keir D., Pagli C., La Rosa A., Atnafu Muluneh A., Brune S., Corti G. (2024). Reconciling plate motion and faulting at a Rift-Rift-Rift triple junction. Geology, 52, 362–366, https://doi.org/10.1130/G51909.1

Maestrelli D., Corti G., Bonini M., Keir D., Facincani P., Vannucchi P., Del Ventisette C., Montanari D., Sani F. (2024). Fault reactivation and growth at rift-related calderas. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 636, 118700, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.epsl.2024.118700

Nigussie W., Alemu A., Mickus K., Keir D., Demissie Z., Muhabaw Y., Muluneh A.A., Corti G.,  Yehualaw E. (2023). Subsurface structural control on geothermal resources in a magmatic rift:  Gravity and magnetic study of the Tulu Moye Geothermal Prospect, Main Ethiopian Rift. Frontiers in Earth Sciences, 11, https://doi.org/10.3389/feart.2023.1181533

Bragagni A., Braschi E., Orlando A., Guarnieri L., Corti G., Tommasini S. (2023). Time-space variations in the East African Rift magmatism: the role of different mantle domains. Italian Journal of Geosciences, 142, 83-101,

Benvenuti M., Corti G., Keir D., Sani F. (2023). Transverse tectonics control on the Late Quaternary development of the Central Main Ethiopian Rift. Italian Journal of Geosciences, 142, 42-56, https://doi.org/10.3301/IJG.2023.05.

Maestrelli D., Brune S., Corti G., Keir D., Sani F. (2022): Analog and Numerical modeling of Rift-Rift-Rift Triple junctions. Tectonics, 41, e2022TC007491. https://doi.org/10.1029/2022TC007491.

Saccorotti G., Bruni R., Bonini M., Corti G., Keir D., Sani F. (2022). Recent seismic sequences and activation of normal fault systems in the Mugello Basin and surrounding areas (Northern Apennines, Italy). Frontiers in Earth Science, 10:879160. doi: 10.3389/feart.2022.879160.

Corti G., Maestrelli D., Sani F. (2022). Large-to local-scale control of pre-existing structures on continental rifting: examples from the Main Ethiopian Rift, East Africa.Frontiers in Earth Science, 10:808503, doi: 10.3389/feart.2022.808503.

Sternai P., Muller V.A.P., Jolivet L., Garzanti E., Corti G., Pasquero C., Sembroni A., Faccenna C. (2021). Effects of asthenospheric flow and orographic precipitation on continental rifting.Tectonophysics, 820, 229120, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tecto.2021.229120

Maestrelli D., Corti G., Bonini M., Montanari D., Sani F. (2021). Caldera collapse and tectonics along the Main Ethiopian rift: reviewing possible relationships.Comptes Rendus Geoscience, 353, S2, 1-19. https://doi.org/10.5802/crgeos.63.

Milazzo F., Cavozzi C., Corti G., Maestrelli D., Storti F. (2021). Centrifuge modeling of thrust systems in the brittle crust: Role of frictional décollement geometry. Journal of Structural Geology, 153, 104450.

Luzzi E., Rossi A.P., Massironi M., Pozzobon R., Corti G., Maestrelli D. (2021). Caldera collapse as the trigger of Chaos and fractured craters on the Moon and Mars. Geophysical Research Letters, 48, e2021GL092436. https://doi.org/10.1029/2021GL092436

Visini F., Pace B., Meletti C., Marzocchi W., Akinci A., Azzaro R., Barani S., Barberi G., Barreca G., Basili R., Bird P., Bonini M., Burrato P., Busetti M., Carafa M.M.C., Cocina O., Console R., Corti G., D’Agostino N., D’Amico S., D’Amico V., Dal Cin M., Falcone G., Fracassi U., Gee R., Kastelic V., Lai C.G., Langer H., Maesano F.E., Marchesini A., Martelli L., Monaco C., 7, Murru M., Peruzza L., Poli M.E., Pondrelli S., Rebez A., Rotondi R., Rovida A., Sani F., Santulin M., Scafidi D., Selva J., Slejko D., Spallarossa D., Tamaro A., Tarabusi G., Taroni M., Tiberti M.M., Tusa G., Tuvè T., Valensise G., Vannoli P., Varini E., Zanferrari A., Zuccolo E. (2021). Earthquake Rupture Forecasts for the MPS19 Seismic Hazard Model of Italy.Annals of Geophysics, 64, 2, SE220, 2021; doi:10.4401/ag-8608

La Rosa A., Pagli C., Wang H., Doubre C., Leroy S., Sani F., Corti G., Ayele A., Keir D. (2021). Plate-boundary kinematics of the Afrera linkage zone (Afar) from InSAR and seismicity.Journal of Geophysical Research, 126, e2020JB021387. https://doi. org/10.1029/2020JB021387

Wang L., Maestrelli D., Corti G., Zou Y., Shen C. (2021). Normal fault reactivation during multiphase extension: analogue models and application to the Turkana depression, East Africa. Tectonophysics, 811, 228870, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tecto.2021.228870

Muluneh A.A., Keir D.., Corti G.  (2021). Thermo-rheological properties of the Ethiopian lithosphere and evidence for transient fluid induced lower crustal seismicity beneath the Ethiopian Rift. Frontiers in Earth Science, 9:610165.doi: 10.3389/feart.2021.610165.

La Rosa A., Keir D., Doubre C., Sani F., Corti G., Leroy S., Ayele A., Pagli C. (2021). Lower crustal earthquakes in the March 2018 sequence along the Western Margin of Afar.Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 22, e2020GC009614. https://doi.org/10.1029/2020GC009614

Maestrelli D., Bonini M., Corti G., Del Ventisette C., Moratti G., Montanari D. (2021). Exploring fault propagation and the role of inherited structures during caldera collapse through laboratory experiments. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 414, 107232, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2021.107232

Bonini M., Maestrelli D., Corti G., Del Ventisette C., Moratti G., Carrasco-Núñez G., Giordano G., Lucci F., Norini G., Piccardi L., Urbani S., Montanari D. (2021). Modelling intra-caldera resurgence settings: Laboratory experiments with application to the Los Humeros Volcanic Complex (Mexico). Journal of Geophysical Research, 126, e2020JB020438. https://doi.org/10.1029/2020JB020438

Maestrelli D., Bonini M., Corti G., Del Ventisette C., Moratti G., Montanari D. (2021). A database of laboratory analogue models of caldera collapse testing the role of inherited structures). Frontiers in Earth Science, 9:618258. doi: 10.3389/feart.2021.618258

Maestrelli D., Montanari D., Corti G., Del Ventisette C., Moratti G., Bonini M. (2020). Exploring the interactions between rift propagation and inherited crustal fabrics through experimental modelling. Tectonics, 39, e2020TC006211. https://doi.org/10.1029/2020TC006211.

Zwaan F., Corti G., Keir D., Sani, F. (2020). An analogue modeling study of marginal flexure in Afar, East Africa: implications for passive margin formation. Tectonophysics, 796, 228595.

Franceschini Z., Cioni R., Scaillet S., Corti G., Sani F., Isola I., Mazzarini F., Duval F., Erbello A., Muluneh A., Brune S. (2020). Recent volcano-tectonic activity of the Ririba rift and the evolution of rifting in South Ethiopia.Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 402, 106989.

Siegburg M. Bull J.M., Nixon C.W., Keir D., Gernon T.M., Corti G., Bekele Abebe B., Sanderson D.J., Ayele A.  (2020). Quantitative constraints on faulting and fault slip-rates in the northern Main Ethiopian Rift.Tectonics, 39, e2019TC006046. https://doi.org/10.1029/2019TC006046

Corti G., Sani F., Florio A.A., Greenfield T., Keir D., Erbello A., Muluneh A.A., Ayele A.  (2020). Tectonics of the Asela-Langano margin, Main Ethiopian Rift (East Africa).Tectonics, 39, e2020TC006075. https://doi.org/10.1029/2020TC006075.

Muluneh A.A., Brune S., Illsley-Kemp F., Corti G., Keir D., Glerum A., Kidane T., Mori J.  (2020). Mechanism for deep crustal seismicity: Insight from modeling of deformation process at the Main Ethiopian Rift. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 21, e2020GC008935. https://doi.org/10.1029/2020GC008935.

Farolfi G., Keir D., Corti G., Casagli N. (2020). Spatial forecasting of seismicity provided from Earth observation by space satellite technology. Scientific Reports, 10:9696 | https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-020-66478-9.

Collanega L., Corti G., Breda A., Massironi M., Keir D. (2020). 3D extension at plate boundaries accommodated by interacting fault systems. Scientific Reports, 10:8669| https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-020-65599-5.

Zwaan F., Corti G., Sani F., Keir D., Muluneh A., Illsley-Kemp F. Papini M. (2020). Structural analysis of the Western Afar Margin, East Africa: evidence for multiphase rotational rifting. Tectonics,39, e2019TC006043,

Zwaan F., Corti G., Keir D., Sani F. (2020). A review of tectonic models for the rifted margin of Afar: implications for continental break-up and passive margin formation. Journal of African Earth Sciences, 164, 103649, 1-22.

Corti G., Nencini R., Skyttä P. (2020). Modelling the influence of pre-existing brittle fabrics on the development and architecture pull-apart basins.Journal of Structural Geology, 131, 103937, 1-15.

Bonini M., Cerca M., Moratti G., López-Martínez M., Corti G., Gracia-Marroquín D. (2019). Strain partitioning in highly oblique rift settings: Inferences from the southwestern margin of the Gulf of California (Baja California Sur, México). Tectonics, 38, 4426–4453.

Del Ventisette C., Bonini M.,  Agostini A., Corti G., Maestrelli D., Montanari D. (2019). Using different grain-size granular mixtures (quartz and K-feldspar sand) in analogue extensional models. Journal of Structural Geology, 129, 103888, 1-12.

La Rosa A., Pagli C., Keir D., Sani F., Corti G., Wang H., Posee D. (2019). Observing Oblique Slip During Rift Linkage in Northern Afar.Geophysical Research Letters, 46, 10782–10790, https://doi.org/ 10.1029/2019GL084801.

Norini G., Carrasco–Núñez G., Corbo-Camargo F., Lermo J., Hernández Rojas J., Castro C., Bonini M., Montanari D., Corti G., Moratti G., Piccardi L., Chavez G., Zuluaga M.C., Ordaz C., Ramirez M., Cedillo F. (2019). The structural architecture of the Los Humeros volcanic complex and geothermal field. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 381, 312-329.

Boone S.C., Balestrieri M.L., Kohn B.P., Corti G., Gleadow A.J.W., Seiler C. (2019). Tectono-thermal evolution of the Broadly Rifted Zone, Ethiopian Rift.Tectonics, 38, 1070–1100. https://doi.org/10.1029/2018TC005210..

Corti G., Cioni R., Franceschini Z., Sani F., Scaillet S., Molin P., Isola I., Mazzarini F., Brune S., Keir D., Erbello A., Muluneh A., Illsley-Kemp F., Glerum A. (2019). Aborted propagation of the Ethiopian rift caused by linkage with the Kenyan rift.Nature Communications, 10: 1309, doi: 10.1038/s41467-019-09335-2

Sani F., Bonini M., Corti G., Moratti G. (2019). Extension direction re-orientation in the oceanic rift of Iceland, and comparison with continental rifts.Tectonophysics, 756, 25-42.

Skyttä P., Piippo S., Kloppenburg A., Corti G. (2019). The 2.45 Ga break-up of the Archaean continent in Northern Fennoscandia: Rifting dynamics and the role of inherited structures within the Archaean basement.Precambrian Research, 324, 303-323.

Bastow I.D., Booth A.D., Corti G., Keir D., Magee C., Jackson C.A-L., Warren J., Wilkinson J., Lascialfari M. (2018). The Development of Late-Stage Continental Breakup: Seismic Reflection and Borehole Evidence from the Danakil Depression, Ethiopia.Tectonics, 37, 2848–2862, https://doi.org/10.1029/2017TC004798.

De Matteo A., Corti G., van Wyk de Vries B., Massa B., Mussetti G. (2018). Fault-volcano interactions with broadly distributed stretching in rifts.Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Reseearch, 362, 64-75.

Corti G., Zeoli A., (2018). Analogue modelling of the influence of ice shelf collapse on the flow of ice sheets grounded below sea-level. Annals of Geophysics,  61, 3, OC332, doi: 10.4401/ag-7356.

Muluneh A.A., Kidane T., Corti G., Keir D. (2018). Constraints on fault and crustal strength of the Main Ethiopian Rift from formal inversion of earthquake focal mechanism data. Tectonophysics, 731-732, 172-180.

Corti G., Sani F., Agostini S., Philippon M., Sokoutis D., Willingshofer E. (2018). Off-axis volcano-tectonic activity during continental rifting: insights from the transversal Goba-Bonga lineament, Main Ethiopian Rift (East Africa). Tectonophysics, 728-729, 75-91.

Corti G., Molin P., Sembroni A., Bastow I.D., Keir D. (2018). Control of pre-rift lithospheric structure on the architecture and evolution of continental rifts: insights from the Main Ethiopian Rift, East Africa. Tectonics, 37, 477-496, https://doi.org/10.1002/2017TC004799.

Martínez F., Montanari D., Del Ventisette C., Bonini M., Corti G. (2018). Basin inversion and magma migration and emplacement: Insights from basins of northern Chile. Journal of Structural Geology, 114, 310-319.

Bonini M., Cerca M., Moratti G., López-Martínez M., Corti G., Gracia-Marroquín D. (2017). Early Miocene shortening in the lower Comondú Group in Baja California Sur (México). Tectonophysics, 719-720, 135-147.

Balestrieri M.L., Ferrari L., Bonini M., Duque-Trujillo J., Cerca M., Moratti G., Corti G. (2017). Onshore and offshore apatite fission-track dating from the southern Gulf of California: insights into the time-space evolution of the rifting. Tectonophysics, 719-720, 148-161.

Santulin M., Tamaro A., Rebez A., Slejko D., Sani F., Martelli L., Bonini M., Corti G., Poli M.E., Zanferrari A., Marchesini A., Busetti M., Dal Cin M., Spallarossa D., Barani S., Scafidi D., Barreca G., Monaco C. (2017). Seismogenic zonation as a branch of the logic tree for the new Italian seismic hazard map - MPS16: a preliminary outline.Bollettino di Geofisica Teorica ed Applicata, 58, 313-342.

Montanari D., Bonini M., Corti G., Agostini A., Del Ventisette C.  (2017). Forced folding above shallow magma intrusions: Insights on supercritical fluid flow from analogue modelling. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 345, 67-80.

Brune S., Corti G., Ranalli G. (2017). Controls of inherited lithospheric heterogeneity on rift linkage: Numerical and analogue models of interaction between the Kenyan and Ethiopian rifts across the Turkana depression. Tectonics, 36, doi:10.1002/ 2017TC004739.

Martelli L., Santulin M., Sani F., Tamaro A., Bonini M., Rebez A., Corti G., Slejko D. (2017). Seismic hazard of the Northern Apennines based on 3D seismic sources. Journal of Seismology, 21, 1251–1275.

Montanari D., Agostini A., Bonini M., Corti G., Del Ventisette C. (2017). The use of empirical methods for testing granular materials in analogue modeling. Materials, 10, 635; doi:10.3390/ma10060635.

Ferrer O., Dooley T.P., Corti G., Vidal-RoyoO.,. Hearon IV T.E., Reber J., Graveleau F. (2017). Introduction to Special Section: Analog modeling as an aid to structural interpretation. Interpretation, 5(1), SDi-SDii.

Minissale A., Corti G., Tassi F., Darrah T., Vaselli O., Montanari D., Montegrossi G., Yirgu G., Selmo E., Teclu A. (2017). Geothermal potential and origin of natural thermal fluids in the northern Lake Abaya area, Main Ethiopian Rift, East Africa. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 336, 1-18.

Philippon M., Corti G. (2016). Obliquity along plate boundaries. Tectonophysics, 693, 171–182.

Sani F., Vannucci G., Boccaletti M., Bonini M., Corti G., Serpelloni E. (2016). Insights into the fragmentation of the Adria Plate. Journal of Geodynamics, 102, 121-138.

Erbello A., Corti G., Agostini A., Sani F., Kidane T., Buccianti A. (2016). Modeling along-axis variations in fault architecture in the Main Ethiopian Rift: implications for Nubia-Somalia kinematics. Journal of Geodynamics, 102, 24-38.

Bonini M., Delle Donne D., Corti G., Sani F., Piccardi L., Vannucci G., Genco R., Martelli L., Ripepe M. (2016). Seismic sources and stress transfer interaction among axial normal faults and external thrust fronts in the Northern Apennines (Italy): A working hypothesis based on the 1916-1920 time-space cluster of earthquakes. Tectonophysics, 680, 67-89.

Balestrieri M.L., Bonini M., Corti G., Sani F., Philippon M. (2016). A refinement of the chronology of rift-related faulting in the Broadly Rifted Zone, southern Ethiopia, through apatite fission-track analysis. Tectonophysics, 671, 42–55.

Martínez F., Bonini M., Montanari D., Corti G. (2016). Tectonic inversion and magmatism in the Lautaro Basin, northern Chile, Central Andes: A comparative approach from field data and analogue models. Journal of Geodynamics,  94–95, 68–83.

Piccardi L., Dobrev N., Moratti G., Corti G., Tondi E., Vannucci G., Matova M., Spina V. (2016). Overview and new data on the active tectonics of Bulgaria: towards a comprehensive seismotectonic map. Acta Vulcanologica, 25, 67-82.

Sani F., Bonini M., Montanari D., Moratti G., Corti G., Del Ventisette C. (2016). The structural evolution of the Radicondoli–Volterra Basin (southern Tuscany, Italy): Relationships with magmatism and geothermal implications. Geothermics, 59, 38-55.

Molin P., Corti G. (2015). Topography, river network and recent fault activity at the margins of the Central Main Ethiopian Rift (East Africa). Tectonophysics, 664, 67–82, DOI: 10.1016/j.tecto.2015.08.045.

Corti G., Dooley T.P. (2015). Lithospheric-scale centrifuge models of pull-apart basins. Tectonophysics, 664, 154–163, DOI: 10.1016/j.tecto.2015.09.004.

Corti G., Agostini A., Keir D., Van Wijk J., Bastow I.D., Ranalli G. (2015). Magma-induced axial subsidence during final-stage rifting: implications for the development of seaward dipping reflectors. Geosphere, 11, 563–571, DOI: 10.1130/GES01076.1.

Keir D., Bastow I.D., Corti G., Mazzarini F., Rooney T.O. (2015). The origin of along-rift variations in faulting and magmatism in the Ethiopian rift. Tectonics,  34, 464-477, DOI: 10.1002/2014TC003698.

Corti G., Bastow I.D., Keir D., Pagli C., Baker E. (2015). Rift-related morphology of the Afar Depression. In: Landscapes and Landforms of Ethiopia, Billi P. (Ed.)., Series: World Geomorphological Landscapes, Springer, 251-274.

Corti G., Costagliola P., Bonini M., Benvenuti M., Pecchioni E., Vaiani A., Landucci F. (2015). Modelling the failure mechanisms of Michelangelo’s David through small-scale centrifuge experiments. Journal of Cultural Heritage, 16, 26–31.

Philippon M., Willingshofer E., Sokoutis D., Corti G., Sani F., Bonini M., Cloetingh S. (2015). Slip re-orientation in oblique rifts. Geology, 43, 147–150.

Del Ventisette C., Gigli G., Bonini M., Corti G., Montanari M., Santoro S., Sani F., Fanti R., Casagli N. (2015). Insights from analogue modelling into the factors triggering the Vaiont landslide. Geomorphology, 228, 52–59.

Per maggiori informazioni contattare:
Dr. Giacomo Corti, Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Istituto di Geoscienze e Georisorse
Via G. La Pira, 4, 50121 Firenze, Italia - Email: giacomo.corti@igg.cnr.it | Telephone: +390552757524